Saturday, January 26, 2013


I signaled for my group to stop as we came upon the clearing inside there were rouges and hunters. I could name a few of the faces but nobody was an asset. I signaled for the group to branch off and surround the clearing. It didn't seem like they had the weapons ready yet, I looked over to Liam and pointed to there weapons set up. He inched towards me and spoke in a very low tone.

"Are you going to shift? Can you control it?" he asked referring to my rage.

"I won't need to shift, so I won't have to worry about that," I stated unsheathing my knife. 

I ended our conversation by signaling for our group to go straight for the weapons. We shot out of out cover and went for the weapons table. I grabbed a pair of hand guns and the fighting commenced.When I realized all the rouges and hunters were focused on us I signaled the other two groups to attack from behind. The hunters were easily taken care off after there hand guns ran out of ammo and there knifes proved useless compared to bullets. The rouges on the other had also could change there forms into that of a wolf.

I pulled out a long hunting knife and went for a rouge that was lunging for a man from Alpha Johnson's pack.I wrapped my arm around his large muzzle and slid the knife deep into the animals fur. I looked away as I let the beasts limp body fall to the ground. When another attacked me, I ducked before its teeth could clamp down on my shoulder. I kicked its shoulder the wolf whimpered slightly and prepared to attack me. I slid out of its way as it lunged stabbing it right above its hip. The wolf howled out in pain, I felt my heart clench as I removed my knife only to plunge it back in again. At least he wouldn't suffer I told myself as I looked around the clearing. The enemy had been finished off, finally it was over.

That was the last group we had to take out. I knew I was changing ever since I joined Alpha Starr's pack. Before I could kill a hunter with out a second thought even rouges but now. I felt as if that could have been me if Alpha Starr's hadn't asked to hear my story. If he hadn't realized that I was the daughter of Alpha Caine and the only living member of The Cotton Ridge Pack.

I looked around to see if any of my men had been injured. "Is everyone all right?" I called out.

I got nods and thumbs up all around, but turning to look at Liam I knew something was wrong. He gestured over to one of the younger men to a company us. I could see that he was gripping his arm, I could also see and smell the deep red blood that flowed from his arm. I rushed over grabbing my first aid kit from my bag. He moved his hand away only to reveal three deep gashes. They must have been caused by sliver and it must have been a custom made weapon. I pulled out a long piece of cloth and tied it above the wound to make a tourniquet. Next I took the hydrogen peroxide, to cleanse the wound. I then wrapped it tightly with gauze and medical tape.

"We need to get him back to one of the pack houses. He needs that wound cauterized and he needs stitches to reduce the scaring caused by silver." I said to the men around me.

Okay way to end in a odd place Sarah.
Anyway I have to end short I gots stuffs to dos.

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