Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Whats out side of my window? Would be a white winter land.
 Snow coats the ground and the sky is a white- blue.
When I look out the window I see a tree blocking my view.
 There is a fence that surrounds our yard and plenty of those willow trees.
 Most of the plants are covered but some green shows through the snow.
The drive way is all  iced over and a little red car sits next to the drive.
 That little red car that sits near the dive well that would be mine, my Prius the car I call divine.
There are houses all around even if this town seems to be no where.
 Two neighbors I see to the front and two that I know on the sides.
 Yes it is winter that why a layer of white covers the ground.
Past the houses all around I see a large mountain rising up from the ground.
In the front of my house there is a road some might drive down.
There are two mountains one that one that is long and round the others resembles a crown.
 I wrote this in prose while looking at my neighbors hose, near the two garage doors that have yet to be closed.
 By the man a crossed the street, the one who owns the salmon colored house the one with the friend who sticks up his nose.
There is a house right besides his and it is gray the owner is not home she went to play and enjoy a winter vaca.
 They both have chimneys made of stone and i'm glad to call this place my home.
Thought it might not fit the mold, i'll always call this place home.
 It is a peaceful place one that holds such grace.
 Oh it is the space I with always call my home, one from which I may roam but will always call my home.

WELL this turned out to be a little more like a poem but hey its cool XD and yes there are things that you can see out of the window not in my room but the living room because that is were i am.

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