Wow I apologize it has been way to long my friends. I've been so busy. You know when you pick something up and hope to dedicate some time to it each week but it never really turns out right? Yah that's me and blogging among other things. I hope you are all well. I've been doing pretty well, I'm in college now so their are a few extra worries here and there. So I guess I'll catch you up on what's happening in my life.
I'm 18....yep that's the age.
I'm now a freshman at the University of Utah. I am applying for the school of art next year. I will be getting a art major with an emphasis on Graphic Design. I will also minor in business most likely. I have to wait until next year to declare my major because it's a set up major, and I have to take a years worth of classes then submit a portfolio before getting accepted. I will finish in 2019.
I'm now living in Salt Lake City, at the university. I have three lovely roommates, they are literally the best roommates I could ask for. One of them did a documentary on my life, threw my art. She is uber talented. She thinks I'd be great at acting but I'm not sure, it would be fun though.
I'm excited for Christmas break because I get to be home from the 20th of December until the 9th of January. I hope to see those of you who keep up with me at home over the break. If you don't know me personally feel free to message me if you ever want to talk.
I know my blog isn't popular and it's more just because it is something I want to do, but please continue to read and keep up with me.
I wish you the best of these holiday seasons. I'm hoping to update more often with, art, poetry, writing and maybe a few other things.
This has been great so peace out my friends.
Love Sarah
Writing What a Life!!!
Hey my name is Sarah! I'm a girl with with a blog. I just want to be able to share some of my experiences with the world. I hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Thursday, January 2, 2014
You can also follow me on instagram if you'd like to see more of my art. I don't have any writing on there but I do have my art!

I hope that banner works if no my user name is @rashabb
you can also follow or find me on deviant art @RashaRaineWild
Same goes for Tumblr (Its new don't hurt me) @RashaRaineWild

I hope that banner works if no my user name is @rashabb
you can also follow or find me on deviant art @RashaRaineWild
Same goes for Tumblr (Its new don't hurt me) @RashaRaineWild
Monday, November 25, 2013
Ice it was ice that surrounded me. Hard, cold, and razor sharp, beautiful ice. I extended a pale hand reaching out towards the fragmented ice. My finger tips brushed the knife like surface causing pain to blossom upon my soft skin.
I watched curiously as vibrant red blood washed over the surface of the glass like material. The bloods movement slowed by the temperature causing it to freeze as well. I looked at my finger as blood dripped onto the floor, warm, my blood is warm.
I shifted my body, if my blood was warm why am I trapped? As I thought about warmth my body began to heat up. The ice trapping my body slowly began to drip away releasing me from its tight grasp. My skin tingled with a warm burning sensation as feeling returned to my limbs.
These sensations seemed new but strangely familiar. What in the world was happening? Why couldn't I remember anything about my experiences from before I woke up in a field of ice?
I stepped away from my icy coffin, placing a steady foot on the mirror like surface. I carefully walked through the intricate tunnels careful as to not cut my self on the ice again. It struck me as odd that I could not find a single path that would take me out of the caverns.
What? Who? How? When? Where? These questions all tormented my mind as I searched and searched for a way to escape this beautiful hell.
I watched curiously as vibrant red blood washed over the surface of the glass like material. The bloods movement slowed by the temperature causing it to freeze as well. I looked at my finger as blood dripped onto the floor, warm, my blood is warm.
I shifted my body, if my blood was warm why am I trapped? As I thought about warmth my body began to heat up. The ice trapping my body slowly began to drip away releasing me from its tight grasp. My skin tingled with a warm burning sensation as feeling returned to my limbs.
These sensations seemed new but strangely familiar. What in the world was happening? Why couldn't I remember anything about my experiences from before I woke up in a field of ice?
I stepped away from my icy coffin, placing a steady foot on the mirror like surface. I carefully walked through the intricate tunnels careful as to not cut my self on the ice again. It struck me as odd that I could not find a single path that would take me out of the caverns.
What? Who? How? When? Where? These questions all tormented my mind as I searched and searched for a way to escape this beautiful hell.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Regarding my last post
On my last post I hit the highlighter now it looks icky. I don't know how to fix that but please don't let that turn you away. I'm not good with this blogger set up yet.
Some facts about myself!
Here's A fifty question tag so you can get to know me XD
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed?
Closed always closed.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?Yes, they smell pretty and are great for camping or out of country vacations.
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?Out, I don't have enough patients to tuck them in all the time.
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?I wouldn't even think of doing that!
5. Do you like to use post-it notes?Yes....So cute! Epp! I could draw little pictures one them all the time. There also very useful when it comes to classes or reminders.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?Some times if there really awesome then since I usually don't use them I forget to bring them with me.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?Bear I think I have a better chance of getting away...if I do I've got a cool story too.
8. Do you have freckles?Yep, and I love'm but they get covered by make up usually.
9. Do you always smile for pictures?Nope, I try but sometimes I just can't do it!
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?When people argue with me over stupid things. Stupid jokes. .....nah just stupid things in general.Oh and political arguments and rude people with big egos.....I could go on all day long.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?Yeah, when i'm bored I do. I also could ceiling tiles, desks, lights....anything.
12. Have you ever peed in the woods?Well yah I used to go camping with my family a lot.
13. What about pooped in the woods?...ewwwwy but yeah.14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?Duh who do you think I am....Ms.Normal sorry i'm not. hehehe Yeah it happens often.
15. Do you chew your pens andpencils ?I used to, I do chew on paint brushes though.
16. How many people have you slept with this week?None.
17. What size is your bed?A queen, just like me. I AM YOUR LEADER
18. What is your Song of the week?Home Chris Daughtry. or Natsuhiboshi.
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?Sure. I really like it when a guy wears a light pink shirts or ties.
20. Do you still watch cartoons?I watch Anime, Anime are Japanese cartoons. =^^=
21. Whats your least favorite movie?I don't really know either a horror movie or twilight ickkky.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?ummmm. Somewhere unexpected and hard to get to. But I probably wouldn't bury it if i had it in the first place.
23. What do you drink with dinner?2% milk, tea, or water. Usually milk.
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?Fry-sauce. I hate ketchup and BBQ Sauce.
25. What is your favorite food?Stake or Flaming Hot Cheetos, not sure.
26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Tim Burton, or the notebook
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?Haahahahahah i'm almost 18 and i'm still a VL so family or friend if you count cheek, forehead ......
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?Nope. But I did do young womans which is similar.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?No I would never revel my body like that. I respect myself more than that. I want the man I love to be the only one who sees me like that.
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?Like a week ago, I have a few friends out on missions right now.
31. Can you change the oil on a car?If I had instructions. I could try.
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?Nope I'm a wonderful driver.
33. Ran out of gas?
Nope, I have a prius i get great gas mileage.
34. Favorite kind of sandwich?Turkey with avocado, tomato, lettuce, salt, pepper, mustard, and mayonnaise.
35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?I usually don't eat breakfast. But Sausage Bacon and raisin bran.
36. What is your usual bedtime?9:30 to 2:00 depends sometimes I don't sleep.
37. Are you lazy?I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but it's only after I do homework that i'm lazy.
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?A cat, An Angel, A Cloud, An Autumn fairy, a princess, a dragon, a witch, dead little girl, a cat again, hummn I don't know about the others.
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?A rat....
40. How many languages can you speak?English, i know some sign language, some Spanish, bits and pieces of Japanese, and German very little though.
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?My only one just expired, it was teen vogue my grandma got it for me.
42. Which are better legos or lincoln logs?Legos no argument.
43. Are you stubborn?Yes and it is very annoying to people.
44. Who is better…Leno or Letterman?None....
45. Ever watch soap operas?Nope I don't need fake drama, I want a soap i go talk to people.
46. Afraid of heights?Afraid of falling.
47. Sing in the car?Always as loud as I can
48. Dance in the shower?Duh
49. Dance in the car?If you mean bobbing you head tapping the steering wheel sure.
50. Ever used a gun?Not a real one, I may life in a hunting county but i've never even shot a gun.
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors opened or closed?
Closed always closed.
2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?Yes, they smell pretty and are great for camping or out of country vacations.
3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?Out, I don't have enough patients to tuck them in all the time.
4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?I wouldn't even think of doing that!
5. Do you like to use post-it notes?Yes....So cute! Epp! I could draw little pictures one them all the time. There also very useful when it comes to classes or reminders.
6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?Some times if there really awesome then since I usually don't use them I forget to bring them with me.
7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?Bear I think I have a better chance of getting away...if I do I've got a cool story too.
8. Do you have freckles?Yep, and I love'm but they get covered by make up usually.
9. Do you always smile for pictures?Nope, I try but sometimes I just can't do it!
10. What is your biggest pet peeve?When people argue with me over stupid things. Stupid jokes. .....nah just stupid things in general.Oh and political arguments and rude people with big egos.....I could go on all day long.
11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?Yeah, when i'm bored I do. I also could ceiling tiles, desks, lights....anything.
12. Have you ever peed in the woods?Well yah I used to go camping with my family a lot.
13. What about pooped in the woods?...ewwwwy but yeah.14. Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?Duh who do you think I am....Ms.Normal sorry i'm not. hehehe Yeah it happens often.
15. Do you chew your pens and
16. How many people have you slept with this week?None.
17. What size is your bed?A queen, just like me. I AM YOUR LEADER
18. What is your Song of the week?Home Chris Daughtry. or Natsuhiboshi.
19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?Sure. I really like it when a guy wears a light pink shirts or ties.
20. Do you still watch cartoons?I watch Anime, Anime are Japanese cartoons. =^^=
21. Whats your least favorite movie?I don't really know either a horror movie or twilight ickkky.
22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?ummmm. Somewhere unexpected and hard to get to. But I probably wouldn't bury it if i had it in the first place.
23. What do you drink with dinner?2% milk, tea, or water. Usually milk.
24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?Fry-sauce. I hate ketchup and BBQ Sauce.
25. What is your favorite food?Stake or Flaming Hot Cheetos, not sure.
26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Tim Burton, or the notebook
27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?Haahahahahah i'm almost 18 and i'm still a VL so family or friend if you count cheek, forehead ......
28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?Nope. But I did do young womans which is similar.
29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?No I would never revel my body like that. I respect myself more than that. I want the man I love to be the only one who sees me like that.
30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?Like a week ago, I have a few friends out on missions right now.
31. Can you change the oil on a car?If I had instructions. I could try.
32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?Nope I'm a wonderful driver.
33. Ran out of gas?
Nope, I have a prius i get great gas mileage.
34. Favorite kind of sandwich?Turkey with avocado, tomato, lettuce, salt, pepper, mustard, and mayonnaise.
35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?I usually don't eat breakfast. But Sausage Bacon and raisin bran.
36. What is your usual bedtime?9:30 to 2:00 depends sometimes I don't sleep.
37. Are you lazy?I'd be lying if I said I wasn't, but it's only after I do homework that i'm lazy.
38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?A cat, An Angel, A Cloud, An Autumn fairy, a princess, a dragon, a witch, dead little girl, a cat again, hummn I don't know about the others.
39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?A rat....
40. How many languages can you speak?English, i know some sign language, some Spanish, bits and pieces of Japanese, and German very little though.
41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?My only one just expired, it was teen vogue my grandma got it for me.
42. Which are better legos or lincoln logs?Legos no argument.
43. Are you stubborn?Yes and it is very annoying to people.
44. Who is better…Leno or Letterman?None....
45. Ever watch soap operas?Nope I don't need fake drama, I want a soap i go talk to people.
46. Afraid of heights?Afraid of falling.
47. Sing in the car?Always as loud as I can
48. Dance in the shower?Duh
49. Dance in the car?If you mean bobbing you head tapping the steering wheel sure.
50. Ever used a gun?Not a real one, I may life in a hunting county but i've never even shot a gun.
Friday, October 11, 2013
New Idea
Fear struck me still. What was this? Was I really fearful of
this beast? I've been through hell this shouldn't even phase me. What happened
to my unwavering demeanor? No, I couldn't be scared; they must be influencing
me somehow. I would never be willingly
caught in this pitiful state. A deep
growl reverberated through my chest; it was a haunting sound really. I was
caught in there illusion but now I know and I would escape. They must have really been intimidated by me
to use such a pitiful tactic. I am superior to all, I shall rule. Breaking there feeble attempt to keep me at
bay I lunged forward. A shiver of joy encompassing me as a wicked smirk
plastered itself onto my face. My mind called for their blood, it shall be
I approached one of the inferior knights guarding the
demonic beast. The fear readable on his cowardly face. Unsheathing my sword I landed a clean attack.
Slicing right through the man’s abdomen. His warm blood splattering on my armor as well
as my skin. Yes, my mind chanted, as I sliced my way through the guards. As the last one fell lifeless to the hard
ground I let out a maniacal laugh.
Their blood was like an ever present reward; anytime I
wanted to feel it drip onto my skin all I had to do was find my prey. Excitement consumed my body as I stepped
towards the chained demon. I had wrenched the keys from the last guard’s
lifeless hands. Finally with this beast I would rule. Picking up the lock on the chains, I inserted
the long key. When suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see a
girl, a seemingly normal girl. Her hands
covered in dark red blood.
"You killed them all; I guess you'd like to be
rewarded. But that is not going to happen," She growled her voice was
hauntingly beautiful
Wow wow! I'm so sorry for not keeping up with this but i'm back. I can not promise a lot of action but there should be more than as of yet. So I will try to get on once a week or more!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
I continued to run, pushing myself further and faster. As I continued I felt sweat begin to stream down my back, and the burn in my lungs. I slowed my pace rapidly as I gasped for a full breath. I continued to run at a slow running pace to cool down properly, after a few cool down laps grabbed my water bottle. I took a seat at one of the long benches as I downed my water. I breathed in a large breath as my body regenerated. I loosed the laces on my shoes as I pulled them off and put them in my gym bag. I wasn't surprised that the training center was empty it usually was this early in the morning. I looked at the clock it was still really early it was five o'clock in the morning. Still being early I decided to go back to my dorm room for a shower. I walked down the bright white halls passing only a few people, my eyes catching every fine detail. The way these people walked, what emotions were shown in there expressions or even the tensing of there muscles that told about there secrets.But there was nothing abnormal not today, not in this realm. I reached my dorm room faster then expected, I slipped in to see my roommate still sleeping. I smiled as I slipped into the shower, the warm water relaxed my strained body as the aroma relaxed my mind. I was soon searching through my drawers to find some clean jeans. I pulled on a black tee and dark jeans with one of my hoodies. Then I was off to go to my history and weaponry classes. I slid into the room a few minutes before the bell and found a spot in the back. One more week my thoughts reminded me, one week and I would be done with these stupid classes, then I would be able to go on any mission I wanted, well as long as it was in my rank. I smiled to myself as I pulled out a blank sheet of paper, soon I wouldn't have to worry about being late to classes or dealing with arrogant people who knew about this world since they were born. When I get out of these lessons I will prove that I'm not just another untold burden. I had to prove that I was more then everyone expects me to be.
"Caine answer the question on the board," The teacher snapped.
What is lume type fighting?
"Lume type fighting is the concept of using fire in battle, this was first introduced to our kind, during the war of aviĆ³n roto where we faced being exposed to the human eye, back before the Grecian empire fell." I explained in a cool tone.
"Very good Caine," the teacher praised as she continued with her lesson about fire magics and weaponry that uses fire.
But the magic wasn't always considered magic, it was more or less scientific knowledge and inhuman talents combined together. Many of the people around here were able to use this method of magic. Yet, they believed I couldn't, but I can I just don't care enough to flaunt it. I'm different from them, they wont let me forget that but, I'm not lower than them. They don't know me, and I don't want them to.
So new story possibility , I need some feed back so its much appreciated. I want to know if you feel like the character is male or female? Also what do you feel this will be about? Any ideas about why the character say that they are an untold burden because they weren't raised the same way?
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
DAY 7 final
So I'm sorry about the skipping of days and what not, but I ended up with more to do than I thought I'd have to do. Okay day 7 now!
I looked over at Tomas, I couldn't believe what was happening. This is the man who stood up for me when James the Alpha had shoved me to the ground repetitively. He was the one preson who let me forget all the pain. Now we were driving as fast as speed limits would allow towards Vegas. James wouldn't aprove of this and neither would Camton the old Alpha. But James couldn't change my mind, Camton could because he'd pull the your father would be unhappy with desision speech out of his pocket again. The good thing about this situation was they don't know unless, May told them...which she wouldn't. I glanced over at Tomas how gave me an award winning smile.
"I love you so much Ava and I'm glad you agreeded to this idea," he smiled placing one of his hands on mine.
"I love you too babe, but 2 and 10, is my advice,"I chuckled in reply.
He looked at me and laughed, before placing his hand back onto the steering wheel. It was a few minutes later when a city came into view, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. The place I will marry my love, my savior. If I told you the truth I'd say I was terrified, i mean I'm only 18 this is te biggest desision of my life and he isn't even my true mate. I never met my true mate I guess that's because they didn't want to tell me or the fact that today is my eighteenth birthday, the first day a girl is allowed to discover who there true mate is. Well Tomas hasn't found his and he's twenty one now so it works either way. I couldn't believe that three years ago Tomas Bane finally realized who I was, that he fell for me, and that he will be mine forever soon.
It wasn't long before we came upon the white chapel. The paper work was easy and so was the changing of clothes, the waiting was the hardest part. We had to get here at night, so now we were all ready we just have to wait for the couple in front of us. To bad they were drunk out of there minds and probably don't want to actually be married. As we waited I thought of the dream wedding I always wanted, candles, in the forest, with ribbons matching the colors of sunset in the trees. Well I guess I won't be getting that but I'm in love and Tomas is in live with me. Finally the drunks stumbled from the white chapel, and allowed us to start our marriage process. I walked down the isle trying my hardest not to laugh. Once I reached the podeum,the preast took his position and began his speech.
"We have gathered here to day....... Is there anyone who objects the joining...." The preast was cut off suddenly when the doors slammed open.
"I reject this pairing" a female voice yelled.
I turned to see the woman as my heart dropped. Her light blue eyes staired into Tomas's hazel eyes. There it was a true mate connection,I couldn't compete with her nope, not ever. I took off the veil and handed the ring to an oblivious Tomas. I dropped the small bouquet of flowers near the door as I left. How could this happen to me? Oh yah if something bad happens it happens to me. I changed quickly and left the horrid building. Why did I ever agree to this, why did I let him whisk me away the morning of my eighteenth birthday?
I guess I'll have to call for a taxi, or rent a car, I don't really know how I'm going to get back to Del Norte. I pulled out my smart phone, to google taxis.
"No service I'm in Vegas goodness gratuitous! How can I not get service?" I yelled at my phone leaning against the building.
I couldn't help myself when I slid down the wall into the dry desert sand.
"Come on now Ava, let me take you home." An all to familiar masculin voice said.
"Why are you here? My goodness! Did you come to tell me I'm screwing up. Well to late I think I already know!" I yelled before crying into Alpha James shoulder.
"No I came to tell you something else, but it can wait. For now just let me take care of you," he said softly, his sudden kindness made me sob even more, as he guided me to his car.
I looked over at Tomas, I couldn't believe what was happening. This is the man who stood up for me when James the Alpha had shoved me to the ground repetitively. He was the one preson who let me forget all the pain. Now we were driving as fast as speed limits would allow towards Vegas. James wouldn't aprove of this and neither would Camton the old Alpha. But James couldn't change my mind, Camton could because he'd pull the your father would be unhappy with desision speech out of his pocket again. The good thing about this situation was they don't know unless, May told them...which she wouldn't. I glanced over at Tomas how gave me an award winning smile.
"I love you so much Ava and I'm glad you agreeded to this idea," he smiled placing one of his hands on mine.
"I love you too babe, but 2 and 10, is my advice,"I chuckled in reply.
He looked at me and laughed, before placing his hand back onto the steering wheel. It was a few minutes later when a city came into view, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. The place I will marry my love, my savior. If I told you the truth I'd say I was terrified, i mean I'm only 18 this is te biggest desision of my life and he isn't even my true mate. I never met my true mate I guess that's because they didn't want to tell me or the fact that today is my eighteenth birthday, the first day a girl is allowed to discover who there true mate is. Well Tomas hasn't found his and he's twenty one now so it works either way. I couldn't believe that three years ago Tomas Bane finally realized who I was, that he fell for me, and that he will be mine forever soon.
It wasn't long before we came upon the white chapel. The paper work was easy and so was the changing of clothes, the waiting was the hardest part. We had to get here at night, so now we were all ready we just have to wait for the couple in front of us. To bad they were drunk out of there minds and probably don't want to actually be married. As we waited I thought of the dream wedding I always wanted, candles, in the forest, with ribbons matching the colors of sunset in the trees. Well I guess I won't be getting that but I'm in love and Tomas is in live with me. Finally the drunks stumbled from the white chapel, and allowed us to start our marriage process. I walked down the isle trying my hardest not to laugh. Once I reached the podeum,the preast took his position and began his speech.
"We have gathered here to day....... Is there anyone who objects the joining...." The preast was cut off suddenly when the doors slammed open.
"I reject this pairing" a female voice yelled.
I turned to see the woman as my heart dropped. Her light blue eyes staired into Tomas's hazel eyes. There it was a true mate connection,I couldn't compete with her nope, not ever. I took off the veil and handed the ring to an oblivious Tomas. I dropped the small bouquet of flowers near the door as I left. How could this happen to me? Oh yah if something bad happens it happens to me. I changed quickly and left the horrid building. Why did I ever agree to this, why did I let him whisk me away the morning of my eighteenth birthday?
I guess I'll have to call for a taxi, or rent a car, I don't really know how I'm going to get back to Del Norte. I pulled out my smart phone, to google taxis.
"No service I'm in Vegas goodness gratuitous! How can I not get service?" I yelled at my phone leaning against the building.
I couldn't help myself when I slid down the wall into the dry desert sand.
"Come on now Ava, let me take you home." An all to familiar masculin voice said.
"Why are you here? My goodness! Did you come to tell me I'm screwing up. Well to late I think I already know!" I yelled before crying into Alpha James shoulder.
"No I came to tell you something else, but it can wait. For now just let me take care of you," he said softly, his sudden kindness made me sob even more, as he guided me to his car.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Fire, it’s a wondrous flame. A light that shines bright, day or night. It's is of many colors blue, white red, orange, and yellow. If it is incredibly hot the flame will burn blue and white. It radiates heat gentle and warm. As it also can burn and cause a painful wound created by a dangerous flame. It is necessary in every human life. We are thankful for the fire as it lights our nights and warms cold winter days. A useful tool that all should praise. For it is a flame that dances upon the glowing embers, it leaves ashes in its wake. It absorbs the oxygen and ever present fuel source from the air. The flames of color vast, dance upon the perished ash. They curve and weave through the air, like the blowing back ones hair.
sorry thats all i can do at the moment
Saturday, January 26, 2013
I signaled for my group to stop as we came upon the clearing inside there were rouges and hunters. I could name a few of the faces but nobody was an asset. I signaled for the group to branch off and surround the clearing. It didn't seem like they had the weapons ready yet, I looked over to Liam and pointed to there weapons set up. He inched towards me and spoke in a very low tone.
"Are you going to shift? Can you control it?" he asked referring to my rage.
"I won't need to shift, so I won't have to worry about that," I stated unsheathing my knife.
I ended our conversation by signaling for our group to go straight for the weapons. We shot out of out cover and went for the weapons table. I grabbed a pair of hand guns and the fighting commenced.When I realized all the rouges and hunters were focused on us I signaled the other two groups to attack from behind. The hunters were easily taken care off after there hand guns ran out of ammo and there knifes proved useless compared to bullets. The rouges on the other had also could change there forms into that of a wolf.
I pulled out a long hunting knife and went for a rouge that was lunging for a man from Alpha Johnson's pack.I wrapped my arm around his large muzzle and slid the knife deep into the animals fur. I looked away as I let the beasts limp body fall to the ground. When another attacked me, I ducked before its teeth could clamp down on my shoulder. I kicked its shoulder the wolf whimpered slightly and prepared to attack me. I slid out of its way as it lunged stabbing it right above its hip. The wolf howled out in pain, I felt my heart clench as I removed my knife only to plunge it back in again. At least he wouldn't suffer I told myself as I looked around the clearing. The enemy had been finished off, finally it was over.
That was the last group we had to take out. I knew I was changing ever since I joined Alpha Starr's pack. Before I could kill a hunter with out a second thought even rouges but now. I felt as if that could have been me if Alpha Starr's hadn't asked to hear my story. If he hadn't realized that I was the daughter of Alpha Caine and the only living member of The Cotton Ridge Pack.
I looked around to see if any of my men had been injured. "Is everyone all right?" I called out.
I got nods and thumbs up all around, but turning to look at Liam I knew something was wrong. He gestured over to one of the younger men to a company us. I could see that he was gripping his arm, I could also see and smell the deep red blood that flowed from his arm. I rushed over grabbing my first aid kit from my bag. He moved his hand away only to reveal three deep gashes. They must have been caused by sliver and it must have been a custom made weapon. I pulled out a long piece of cloth and tied it above the wound to make a tourniquet. Next I took the hydrogen peroxide, to cleanse the wound. I then wrapped it tightly with gauze and medical tape.
"We need to get him back to one of the pack houses. He needs that wound cauterized and he needs stitches to reduce the scaring caused by silver." I said to the men around me.
Okay way to end in a odd place Sarah.
Anyway I have to end short I gots stuffs to dos.
I pulled out a long hunting knife and went for a rouge that was lunging for a man from Alpha Johnson's pack.I wrapped my arm around his large muzzle and slid the knife deep into the animals fur. I looked away as I let the beasts limp body fall to the ground. When another attacked me, I ducked before its teeth could clamp down on my shoulder. I kicked its shoulder the wolf whimpered slightly and prepared to attack me. I slid out of its way as it lunged stabbing it right above its hip. The wolf howled out in pain, I felt my heart clench as I removed my knife only to plunge it back in again. At least he wouldn't suffer I told myself as I looked around the clearing. The enemy had been finished off, finally it was over.
That was the last group we had to take out. I knew I was changing ever since I joined Alpha Starr's pack. Before I could kill a hunter with out a second thought even rouges but now. I felt as if that could have been me if Alpha Starr's hadn't asked to hear my story. If he hadn't realized that I was the daughter of Alpha Caine and the only living member of The Cotton Ridge Pack.
I looked around to see if any of my men had been injured. "Is everyone all right?" I called out.
I got nods and thumbs up all around, but turning to look at Liam I knew something was wrong. He gestured over to one of the younger men to a company us. I could see that he was gripping his arm, I could also see and smell the deep red blood that flowed from his arm. I rushed over grabbing my first aid kit from my bag. He moved his hand away only to reveal three deep gashes. They must have been caused by sliver and it must have been a custom made weapon. I pulled out a long piece of cloth and tied it above the wound to make a tourniquet. Next I took the hydrogen peroxide, to cleanse the wound. I then wrapped it tightly with gauze and medical tape.
"We need to get him back to one of the pack houses. He needs that wound cauterized and he needs stitches to reduce the scaring caused by silver." I said to the men around me.
Okay way to end in a odd place Sarah.
Anyway I have to end short I gots stuffs to dos.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
I sat in the living room of the safe house, my husband and partner in the next room working on his unknown project. You could hear metal against metal as he worked as he could probably hear my knife sliding across the wet-stone. Well he might not be able to if he is listing to his music. I switched sides of my blade as I reached for my rag. I lifted my knife as I started to clean the blade. When I heard a board in the floors creak. I was on my feet instantly and my other hand rested on the hilt of the gun in my waist band. The face in front of me was that of an enemy, a man I should have killed the moment he said he didn't love me. He had a sad look on his tanned face.
"Why are you here?" I demanded holding the knife towards him.
"Oh Jane, I can't believe that I had told you I didn't love you. I should have told you the truth," He riled on.
"There has never been truth in you words Camton," I stopped stepping towards him.
His hands inched towards his waist band, I knew that he must of had a gun. I pulled mine out of my waist band an slid the safety off and pulled back the hammer. My finger inching towards the trigger as he lifted his hands above his head. His eyes snapped towards the door Joe was behind. I suddenly became worried if Camton came with others would the be with Joe, have they hurt him.
"Who's in there?" Camton demanded.
"That is not information meant for you," I stated.
"Oh it must be the husband I've heard so much about, I wonder if he would save you if I made you scream," He laughed.
"Like you could do that!" I snarled.
"What if I told you even if you killed me, I have you surrounded, and i'll have my men, make him die in front of you in the most painful way possible."He laughed.
"I'd say you were bluffing because I would have been alerted by security systems and Joe would have been alerted as well. If you say you to it out, i'd say that's a lie because we have two back up systems." I stated.
"So how did I get in?" He asked confused.
"Because those systems are made to recognize multiple people, who present a threat."I stated.
He looked dumbfounded so I realized he was bluffing, before I could register what he was doing. He spun in a circle and stamped his foot. I lowered my gun slightly and that gave him the opening to raise his own. He smiled at me as if I didn't realize I gave him a window and made a mistake. I prepared to fire my own gun, as his finger slid closer to the trigger, he turned at the last second and fired at a far wall. The bang made me jump into action I had the opening now. I lunged towards him grabbing a fist full of shirt as I put my gun away and held my knife to his throat; I shoved him against the wall. I wasn't surprised when my husband came out of his room with gun in hand.
"Hi honey, Do you remember when I told you about Camton? Well this is him." I said in a sparky tone as I began to put pressure on the blade.
And I shall end it there mwahahahaha!!!!
"Why are you here?" I demanded holding the knife towards him.
"Oh Jane, I can't believe that I had told you I didn't love you. I should have told you the truth," He riled on.
"There has never been truth in you words Camton," I stopped stepping towards him.
His hands inched towards his waist band, I knew that he must of had a gun. I pulled mine out of my waist band an slid the safety off and pulled back the hammer. My finger inching towards the trigger as he lifted his hands above his head. His eyes snapped towards the door Joe was behind. I suddenly became worried if Camton came with others would the be with Joe, have they hurt him.
"Who's in there?" Camton demanded.
"That is not information meant for you," I stated.
"Oh it must be the husband I've heard so much about, I wonder if he would save you if I made you scream," He laughed.
"Like you could do that!" I snarled.
"What if I told you even if you killed me, I have you surrounded, and i'll have my men, make him die in front of you in the most painful way possible."He laughed.
"I'd say you were bluffing because I would have been alerted by security systems and Joe would have been alerted as well. If you say you to it out, i'd say that's a lie because we have two back up systems." I stated.
"So how did I get in?" He asked confused.
"Because those systems are made to recognize multiple people, who present a threat."I stated.
He looked dumbfounded so I realized he was bluffing, before I could register what he was doing. He spun in a circle and stamped his foot. I lowered my gun slightly and that gave him the opening to raise his own. He smiled at me as if I didn't realize I gave him a window and made a mistake. I prepared to fire my own gun, as his finger slid closer to the trigger, he turned at the last second and fired at a far wall. The bang made me jump into action I had the opening now. I lunged towards him grabbing a fist full of shirt as I put my gun away and held my knife to his throat; I shoved him against the wall. I wasn't surprised when my husband came out of his room with gun in hand.
"Hi honey, Do you remember when I told you about Camton? Well this is him." I said in a sparky tone as I began to put pressure on the blade.
And I shall end it there mwahahahaha!!!!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Whats out side of my window? Would be a white winter land.
Snow coats the ground and the sky is a white- blue.
When I look out the window I see a tree blocking my view.
There is a fence that surrounds our yard and plenty of those willow trees.
Most of the plants are covered but some green shows through the snow.
The drive way is all iced over and a little red car sits next to the drive.
That little red car that sits near the dive well that would be mine, my Prius the car I call divine.
There are houses all around even if this town seems to be no where.
Two neighbors I see to the front and two that I know on the sides.
Yes it is winter that why a layer of white covers the ground.
Past the houses all around I see a large mountain rising up from the ground.
In the front of my house there is a road some might drive down.
There are two mountains one that one that is long and round the others resembles a crown.
I wrote this in prose while looking at my neighbors hose, near the two garage doors that have yet to be closed.
By the man a crossed the street, the one who owns the salmon colored house the one with the friend who sticks up his nose.
There is a house right besides his and it is gray the owner is not home she went to play and enjoy a winter vaca.
They both have chimneys made of stone and i'm glad to call this place my home.
Thought it might not fit the mold, i'll always call this place home.
It is a peaceful place one that holds such grace.
Oh it is the space I with always call my home, one from which I may roam but will always call my home.
WELL this turned out to be a little more like a poem but hey its cool XD and yes there are things that you can see out of the window not in my room but the living room because that is were i am.
Snow coats the ground and the sky is a white- blue.
When I look out the window I see a tree blocking my view.
There is a fence that surrounds our yard and plenty of those willow trees.
Most of the plants are covered but some green shows through the snow.
The drive way is all iced over and a little red car sits next to the drive.
That little red car that sits near the dive well that would be mine, my Prius the car I call divine.
There are houses all around even if this town seems to be no where.
Two neighbors I see to the front and two that I know on the sides.
Yes it is winter that why a layer of white covers the ground.
Past the houses all around I see a large mountain rising up from the ground.
In the front of my house there is a road some might drive down.
There are two mountains one that one that is long and round the others resembles a crown.
I wrote this in prose while looking at my neighbors hose, near the two garage doors that have yet to be closed.
By the man a crossed the street, the one who owns the salmon colored house the one with the friend who sticks up his nose.
There is a house right besides his and it is gray the owner is not home she went to play and enjoy a winter vaca.
They both have chimneys made of stone and i'm glad to call this place my home.
Thought it might not fit the mold, i'll always call this place home.
It is a peaceful place one that holds such grace.
Oh it is the space I with always call my home, one from which I may roam but will always call my home.
WELL this turned out to be a little more like a poem but hey its cool XD and yes there are things that you can see out of the window not in my room but the living room because that is were i am.
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