Friday, October 11, 2013

New Idea

Fear struck me still. What was this? Was I really fearful of this beast? I've been through hell this shouldn't even phase me. What happened to my unwavering demeanor? No, I couldn't be scared; they must be influencing me somehow.  I would never be willingly caught in this pitiful state.  A deep growl reverberated through my chest; it was a haunting sound really. I was caught in there illusion but now I know and I would escape.  They must have really been intimidated by me to use such a pitiful tactic. I am superior to all, I shall rule.  Breaking there feeble attempt to keep me at bay I lunged forward. A shiver of joy encompassing me as a wicked smirk plastered itself onto my face. My mind called for their blood, it shall be spilled.

I approached one of the inferior knights guarding the demonic beast. The fear readable on his cowardly face.  Unsheathing my sword I landed a clean attack. Slicing right through the man’s abdomen.  His warm blood splattering on my armor as well as my skin. Yes, my mind chanted, as I sliced my way through the guards.  As the last one fell lifeless to the hard ground I let out a maniacal laugh. 

Their blood was like an ever present reward; anytime I wanted to feel it drip onto my skin all I had to do was find my prey.  Excitement consumed my body as I stepped towards the chained demon. I had wrenched the keys from the last guard’s lifeless hands. Finally with this beast I would rule.  Picking up the lock on the chains, I inserted the long key. When suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I turned to see a girl, a seemingly normal girl.  Her hands covered in dark red blood.

"You killed them all; I guess you'd like to be rewarded. But that is not going to happen," She growled her voice was hauntingly beautiful

Wow wow! I'm so sorry for not keeping up with this but i'm back. I can not promise a lot of action but there should be more than as of yet. So I will try to get on once a week or more! 

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