Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Shadow Walkers continue yes or no?

I don’t remember how it happened, I was only four when they started to appear; the shadows that is. The shadows are human like beasts that search out humans and kill them; we don’t know why I’m not sure we ever will. These shadows resemble a human but there all black and can move a bit faster. There easier to kill if you know there weaknesses but if you don’t they know how to kill you. It’s been thirteen years since the shadows began to overrun this world. The population had diminished greatly any child born is sent to a secure base where once they reach the age of four they begun to train.  I’m still in one of these bases the release you once you can pass all of the tests. I've passed four of six tests there’s only five other boys who have passed four of the six. They haven’t offered the last two yet the other boys and I are scared of fighting every day but it must be done.
Realizing my thoughts had drifted off I brought myself back to the moment at hand. The other five who had passed were sitting with me in the waiting room outside of Brigadier General Lutz or also known as Blood and Guts Lutz we were waiting to see if he was going to approve our scores and send us on to the next tests. The other boys were all older than me but that made no difference to me. The Brigadier General Lutz came out of his office handing each of us a file.
“Well you've all be sent on the details of the next tests are in these files. These files are not to be seen by others students, as they hold confidential materials. And as for you rookie be careful out there the other guys have done this before.” Lutz explained as he stood straight not a single cloth on his uniform out of place, his graying hair perfectly cut and his dark eyes cold.
I opened the file; the first page was my ranking within the system, and my test scores. On the second page there was a layout of a building and then a weapons page. The next five pages told about shadow walkers. The shadow walkers are humanoid beast with no defined features they are black and only black. They after maturing and becoming strong may obtain the ability to possess animals.  They use speed to attack mainly. Thou nobody has lived to see there features it is believed that they have three rows of teeth, and that either they’re hands move at a very high vibration or they have razor sharp claws. It also told of the signs of seeing, spotting, or avoiding these shadow walkers. Our next test must be a simulation operation as a team and the final test being a real life situation which I believe will be a lone wolf mission.
Looking around the room I realized I didn't know very many people here, I only knew my commanding officer, and I guess I had heard enough about Lutz to know a bit about him. But I didn't know anything about the others with me and if we were to do a team mission I doubt it would be very synchronized.  I brushed my hand through my short brown hair out of nervousness. 


  1. The story sounds intriguing . There , their and they're ...Needs editing , however that is an easy fix . Why did the girl want to become a shadow killer ? Did they hurt someone she knew. ? Keep going with the story , I want to know what becomes of her and which if any of the other boys become her friends or enemies or both !!!

  2. Well this was just rushed to get it all down on paper. And it's a boy I guess should portray that better. But everyone is trained to be shadow killers. But he wants to get through his training because he was sent off to become a shadow killer and taken away from his family. But I could change the character to be a female if that sounds like it would be more intriguing. Thanks for the feedback its very helpful!

  3. Yes it would because right now it seems like not as many girls are passing. But I like this a lot, you can go far with it :)

  4. Well i was going to make it so that they train guys in one base and girls in the other. But most girls train in a more technological field but... that's kind of sexiest so yah... maybe ill just make him and her. *smiles*
